Check your preferred dates are available here and book your stay online.

A visit to Loon Bay Lodge means so much more than simply booking your accommodation, so do get in touch and we’ll help you create the perfect vacation experience.

Check your preferred dates are available here and book your stay online.

A visit to Loon Bay Lodge means so much more than simply booking your accommodation, so do get in touch and we’ll help you create the perfect vacation experience.

Prices start at $800 per night for up to 8 adults plus 10 children under the age of 12 in 4 rooms, or $1200 per night for up to 12 adults and 10 children in 6 rooms.

For children up to the age of 12, additional beds can be brought into the room for them to be accommodated with their parents.

You can check that your preferred dates are available and book your stay at Loon Bay Lodge here, but we also highly recommend you contact us by email using the form below, or by phone on (506) 466-1240 to ensure that every part of your vacation is taken care of, from the moment you arrive to the moment you leave.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Let us ensure that your experience of Loon Bay Lodge is the perfect one for you!

Simply complete the form below and we will get back to you within 24 hours to help you create your ideal group vacation.

Feel free to call us, or drop us a line and we’ll call you back, to take you through all of the options available to you.

Options include food prepared by our professional cook, organized activities and equipment rental, experienced guides and expeditions to local sights and attractions.

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